第一步:获取DeepSeek-R1的API Key
要使用DeepSeek-R1大模型,首先需要获取它的API Key。
由于官网服务器资源紧张,已暂停 API 服务充值,所以我们需要其他的方法来获取,具体请看这篇:【获取DeepSeek API】
获取到API Key后,记得妥善保存,因为后续配置中需要用到它。
1. 启用开发工具
点击顶部菜单栏的“文件” → “选项” → “自定义功能区”。
2. 配置信任中心
- 在WPS中,点击“文件” → “选项” → “信任中心”。
- 选择“信任中心设置” → “宏安全性”。
- 将安全性设置为“低”,以便运行VBA宏。
3. 添加模块
点击顶部菜单栏的“工具” → “开发工具” → “切换到VB环境”,然后重启。
在弹出的VB编辑器窗口中,点击“插入” → “模块”。
将下方的代码复制到编辑区中,并替换为你的API Key:
以下是几个完整代码示例,记得替换为你的API Key(如果还没获取API KEY,具体请看这篇:【获取DeepSeek API】):
textFunction CallDeepSeekAPI(api_key As String, inputText As String) As String Dim API As String Dim SendTxt As String Dim Http As Object Dim status_code As Integer Dim response As String API = "https://api.deepseek.com/chat/completions" SendTxt = "{""model"": ""deepseek-reasoner"", ""messages"": [{""role"":""system"", ""content"":""You are a Word assistant""}, {""role"":""user"", ""content"":""" & inputText & """}], ""stream"": false}" Set Http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") With Http .Open "POST", API, False .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json" .setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & api_key .send SendTxt status_code = .Status response = .responseText End With ' 弹出窗口显示 API 响应(调试用) ' MsgBox "API Response: " & response, vbInformation, "Debug Info" If status_code = 200 Then CallDeepSeekAPI = response Else CallDeepSeekAPI = "Error: " & status_code & " - " & response End If Set Http = Nothing End Function Sub DeepSeekR1() Dim api_key As String Dim inputText As String Dim response As String Dim regex As Object Dim reasoningRegex As Object Dim contentRegex As Object Dim matches As Object Dim reasoningMatches As Object Dim originalSelection As Object Dim reasoningContent As String Dim finalContent As String api_key = "替换为你的api key" If api_key = "" Then MsgBox "Please enter the API key." Exit Sub ElseIf Selection.Type <> wdSelectionNormal Then MsgBox "Please select text." Exit Sub End If ' 保存原始选中的文本 Set originalSelection = Selection.Range.Duplicate inputText = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Selection.text, "\", "\\"), vbCrLf, ""), vbCr, ""), vbLf, ""), Chr(34), "\""") response = CallDeepSeekAPI(api_key, inputText) If Left(response, 5) <> "Error" Then ' 创建正则表达式对象来分别匹配推理内容和最终回答 Set reasoningRegex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With reasoningRegex .Global = True .MultiLine = True .IgnoreCase = False .Pattern = """reasoning_content"":""(.*?)""" End With Set contentRegex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With contentRegex .Global = True .MultiLine = True .IgnoreCase = False .Pattern = """content"":""(.*?)""" End With ' 提取推理内容 Set reasoningMatches = reasoningRegex.Execute(response) If reasoningMatches.Count > 0 Then reasoningContent = reasoningMatches(0).SubMatches(0) reasoningContent = Replace(reasoningContent, "\n\n", vbNewLine) reasoningContent = Replace(reasoningContent, "\n", vbNewLine) reasoningContent = Replace(Replace(reasoningContent, """", Chr(34)), """", Chr(34)) End If ' 提取最终回答 Set matches = contentRegex.Execute(response) If matches.Count > 0 Then finalContent = matches(0).SubMatches(0) finalContent = Replace(finalContent, "\n\n", vbNewLine) finalContent = Replace(finalContent, "\n", vbNewLine) finalContent = Replace(Replace(finalContent, """", Chr(34)), """", Chr(34)) ' 取消选中原始文本 Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd ' 插入推理过程(如果存在) If Len(reasoningContent) > 0 Then Selection.TypeParagraph Selection.TypeText "推理过程:" Selection.TypeParagraph Selection.TypeText reasoningContent Selection.TypeParagraph Selection.TypeText "最终回答:" Selection.TypeParagraph End If ' 插入最终回答 Selection.TypeText finalContent ' 将光标移回原来选中文本的末尾 originalSelection.Select Else MsgBox "Failed to parse API response.", vbExclamation End If Else MsgBox response, vbCritical End If End Sub
textFunction CallDeepSeekAPI(api_key As String, inputText As String) As String Dim API As String Dim SendTxt As String Dim Http As Object Dim status_code As Integer Dim response As String API = "https://api.deepseek.com/chat/completions" SendTxt = "{""model"": ""deepseek-chat"", ""messages"": [{""role"":""system"", ""content"":""You are a Word assistant""}, {""role"":""user"", ""content"":""" & inputText & """}], ""stream"": false}" Set Http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") With Http .Open "POST", API, False .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json" .setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & api_key .send SendTxt status_code = .Status response = .responseText End With ' 弹出窗口显示 API 响应(调试用) ' MsgBox "API Response: " & response, vbInformation, "Debug Info" If status_code = 200 Then CallDeepSeekAPI = response Else CallDeepSeekAPI = "Error: " & status_code & " - " & response End If Set Http = Nothing End Function Sub DeepSeekV3() Dim api_key As String Dim inputText As String Dim response As String Dim regex As Object Dim matches As Object Dim originalSelection As Object api_key = "替换为你的api key" If api_key = "" Then MsgBox "Please enter the API key." Exit Sub ElseIf Selection.Type <> wdSelectionNormal Then MsgBox "Please select text." Exit Sub End If ' 保存原始选中的文本 Set originalSelection = Selection.Range.Duplicate inputText = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Selection.text, "\", "\\"), vbCrLf, ""), vbCr, ""), vbLf, ""), Chr(34), "\""") response = CallDeepSeekAPI(api_key, inputText) If Left(response, 5) <> "Error" Then Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With regex .Global = True .MultiLine = True .IgnoreCase = False .Pattern = """content"":""(.*?)""" End With Set matches = regex.Execute(response) If matches.Count > 0 Then response = matches(0).SubMatches(0) response = Replace(Replace(response, """", Chr(34)), """", Chr(34)) ' 取消选中原始文本 Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd ' 将内容插入到选中文字的下一行 Selection.TypeParagraph ' 插入新行 Selection.TypeText text:=response ' 将光标移回原来选中文本的末尾 originalSelection.Select Else MsgBox "Failed to parse API response.", vbExclamation End If Else MsgBox response, vbCritical End If End Sub
textFunction CallDeepSeekAPI(api_key As String, inputText As String) As String Dim API As String Dim SendTxt As String Dim Http As Object Dim status_code As Integer Dim response As String API = "https://api.siliconflow.cn/v1/chat/completions" SendTxt = "{""model"": ""deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-R1"", ""messages"": [{""role"":""system"", ""content"":""You are a Word assistant""}, {""role"":""user"", ""content"":""" & inputText & """}], ""stream"": false}" Set Http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") With Http .Open "POST", API, False .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json" .setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & api_key .send SendTxt status_code = .Status response = .responseText End With ' 弹出窗口显示 API 响应(调试用) ' MsgBox "API Response: " & response, vbInformation, "Debug Info" If status_code = 200 Then CallDeepSeekAPI = response Else CallDeepSeekAPI = "Error: " & status_code & " - " & response End If Set Http = Nothing End Function Sub DeepSeekV3() Dim api_key As String Dim inputText As String Dim response As String Dim regex As Object Dim matches As Object Dim originalSelection As Object api_key = "替换为你的api key" If api_key = "" Then MsgBox "Please enter the API key." Exit Sub ElseIf Selection.Type <> wdSelectionNormal Then MsgBox "Please select text." Exit Sub End If ' 保存原始选中的文本 Set originalSelection = Selection.Range.Duplicate inputText = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Selection.text, "\", "\\"), vbCrLf, ""), vbCr, ""), vbLf, ""), Chr(34), "\""") response = CallDeepSeekAPI(api_key, inputText) If Left(response, 5) <> "Error" Then Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With regex .Global = True .MultiLine = True .IgnoreCase = False .Pattern = """content"":""(.*?)""" End With Set matches = regex.Execute(response) If matches.Count > 0 Then response = matches(0).SubMatches(0) response = Replace(Replace(response, """", Chr(34)), """", Chr(34)) ' 取消选中原始文本 Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd ' 将内容插入到选中文字的下一行 Selection.TypeParagraph ' 插入新行 Selection.TypeText text:=response ' 将光标移回原来选中文本的末尾 originalSelection.Select Else MsgBox "Failed to parse API response.", vbExclamation End If Else MsgBox response, vbCritical End If End Sub
4. 自定义功能区
回到WPS主界面,点击“文件” → “选项” → “自定义功能区”。
点击“文件” → “另存为”。
在保存类型中选择“Microsoft Word 带宏的模板文件 (*.dotm)”。